Take a closer look at some of the news stories from the Parish Council this September
To contact the Parish Council please email clerk@headcornpc.org.uk
Parish Council News
Community Liaison Officer's Update
Headcorn’s Community Liaison Officer Stuart Ellesmere has been busy around the village this month responding to requests for support. Again this month there have been a number of Community Protection warnings issued by Kent Police and Maidstone Borough Council for Anti-Social Behaviour in the village. Please report any incidents using the link below or by calling 101.
The next Community Surgery will be held at the Heart of Headcorn on 19th September from 12.15pm. If you aren’t able to make these you can always contact Stuart or the Parish Council directly for support.
Finally, Stuart is exploring the possibility of designating the entire Village a ‘No Cold Calling Zone’ with signage. Do you think this is a good idea? Let him know by email: communityliaison@headcornpc.org.uk
Lenham Road Planning Application
Last month’s Planning Committee was so well attended by members of the community that it had to move outside. The reason was principally the application for change of use of 29 hectares along Lenham Road. The planning reference is 24/502575/FULL which you can view using the search link below.
The Planning Committee decided to refuse the application and the grounds for refusal can be viewed on the search portal.
Tidying & Clearing
Last month our Lengthsmen/Lengthswoman worked to clear the front of the abandoned High Street property at the entrance to the car park. The property is not owned by HPC but as it is not otherwise maintained we try to keep it looking as neat as possible. For very many years we have tried to urge the owners to allow this to become a more useful community space and we will continue to do so.
Revitalising Headcorn Train Station with Enhanced Planters and Greenery Initiative
Revitalising Headcorn Train Station with Enhanced Planters and Greenery Initiative
Last month Southeastern invited communities across their network to support their ‘Southeastern in Bloom’ project to enhance station environments. Southeastern were looking for ways to bring some biodiversity to the station entrance - as well as make it look welcoming. HPC is proud to be the only Parish Council in the entire network to have taken part. We guided staff on the choice of plants suited to the front planters and then spent time arranging and planting them. Members of HPC attended a planting day in July and will be exploring other initiatives that Southeastern have in the pipeline.
ANPR-controlled parking in Church Lane
Next month the ANPR Parking should be installed in Church Lane. This will start with a couple of free weeks to allow people to get used to it being there and give the Clerk’s Office time to sort out Permit parking for the people who live in Church Walk etc. Once the system is started the first 60 mins will be free and the time after will be 90 pence per hour up to four hours. The system will allow people with mobile phones to download the app and add time as they need it, meaning you should never exceed the time you have allotted to your visit. This should allow everyone who wants to visit and shop in our Village to do so, from a quick “pop to the shops” to a relaxed coffee, meal or hair appointment.
Please note that we should have speed bumps going in on Church Lane as well in the next week or so. This should make it safer for people to walk from and to their cars without the potential for being run over by people driving too fast.