Unfortunately Headcorn Parish does have a history of flooding in places.
Unprecedented levels of housing development might impact upon risk, although developers claim to have mitigated against additional risk. Enforcement of such mitigation is key.
Why not join the Headcorn Flood Action Group?
(email: headcornfloodactiongroup@gmail.com)
The Environment Agency has made some changes to its Flood Warning service.
Residents are encouraged to register for the service via their website (use the link to the right) or the Floodline (0345 988 11 88).
Our Flood Warning Area is called: River Beult from Bethersden and Pluckley to Stile Bridge. You will need quickdial number 012652 to access these messages when you call the Floodline and select option 1.
If you have any questions please contact the Floodline on 0345 988 11 88 or the local Flood Resilience Team on ksl_frt.kentslondonandesussex@environment-agency.gov.uk

Video of high water at Hoggs Bridge Green, 6th March 2020
Click on the image to the right to read the Headcorn Flood Action Group leaflet