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The Headcorn Village Newsletter is out now!
In August 2020 a NEW Headcorn Village newsletter was launched. It brings news, insights and images from the community to your inbox.
To receive it simply register using this link. The newsletter includes information and news from around the Village for everyone who lives/works here, or simply loves Headcorn.
All details can be found here:
Can you support this website?
Keeping the community connected is a big job! The website and the social media feeds, along with the new newsletter are all produced and managed by one person, using original photography.
If you want to see this continue perhaps you can help support the project. You can read more here:

Flood Action Group Newsletter

Headcorn's Flood Action Group has been working hard on everyone's behalf to try to address known flooding issues around the village. They have worked with the National Flood Forum to meet with KCC, MBC, Southern Water and the Environment Agency. Read their newsletter by clicking on the leaflet here: