Take a closer look at some of the news stories from the Parish Council this April
To contact the Parish Council please email clerk@headcornpc.org.uk
Parish Council News
Headcorn's New Community Liaison Officer
Headcorn’s new Community Liaison Officer Stuart Ellesmere would like to sincerely thank the community for the warmth of its welcome into his new post. He has been extremely busy in his first month and met many familiar faces, and a few new ones. He reports that everyone has been extremely receptive to his role and supportive of all he is tasked to do. The organisations he works with - Maidstone Borough Council, KCC and Kent Police to name a few - have too been enthusiastic and helpful from the start.
In addition to his regular duties providing support and care around the community this month
Stuart and Parish Chair James Thomas attended the ‘Multi-Agency Approach to Anti-Social Behaviour Conference’ on 19th March at the County Showground – this was a free event organised by the Kent Community Safety Partnership.
There were several interactive discussions and speakers from around Kent (and beyond) including Kent Police Superintendent Peter Steenhuis and Matthew Scott – Crime Commissioner. There were valuable insights shared, including approaches to tackling homelessness and youth ASB via collaborative working. There were other talks on nuisance vehicles, Community Payback and mental health; trauma and their relationship with ASB. Most importantly, some excellent new networks were made and some good discussions around similar issues that other Parishes have been encountering with ASB – as they say, ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’.

Headcorn's Neighbourhood Plan
We have been informed by Maidstone Borough Council that our draft Neighbourhood Plan will now progress to the regulation 15/16 consultation, whereby they circulate it widely for comments and feedback. Please look out for their publicity (which we too will share) and confirm your support or comments.

D-Day 80th Anniversary
Please save the date for our celebration of the 80th anniversary of D-Day. This will be on 6th June and will include an after school event followed by the lighting of the Beacon. The lighting of the Beacon will be co-ordinated with the national lighting which commences at 9.15pm.
More details of the event will follow.
Meantime you can browse some background information to the national celebrations here:

Annual Parish Meeting
It is that time of year when we invite the whole Parish to gather for its annual review and invite the community’s clubs and societies to talk about their achievements and future plans. So please put a date in your diary of Wednesday 17th April at 7pm. This is a perfect opportunity to meet your Councillors if you haven’t yet done so and to find out more about our busy clubs and societies.

And in other news...
Our Highways Improvement Plan remains under negotiation with KCC and now awaits a speed survey that they plan to undertake.
We have made a £350 donation to Kent Air Ambulance in the past month. Our community has benefited from its service in the past and very much value the difference they make. We need to play some part in supporting their operation.
New benches will soon be installed along the footpath which links Lenham Road and Grigg Lane.
The regular litter picks undertaken by our Lengthsmen team is confined to within the 30mph limit areas in the parish boundary. Unfortunately outside that perimeter is beyond the reach of liability insurance.
Just to provide advance warning, the Parish Council’s Full Council meeting and Open Spaces meeting will not take place in August.