Take a closer look at some of the news stories from the Parish Council this February
To contact the Parish Council please email clerk@headcornpc.org.uk
Parish Council News
Community Liaison Officer's Update
As you might know, HPC will be upgrading the community CCTV soon and thus Stuart has spent a considerable amount of time on top of his regular duties to thoroughly review the current system and future requirements alongside the Clerks. This is a large project and it is important that all the details are carefully considered. In speaking to governing associations and local agencies it is clear that this can significantly enhance policing in the community.
It is envisaged that this new upgrade will be launched some time between late February and late March. Keep an eye on the HPC Facebook page for updates.
Need to reach Stuart? You can contact him by email: communityliaison@headcornpc.org.uk

Spires Ash Pond
Early in January HPC embarked on a project to clean up and enhance Spires Ash pond. Not only had weeds and rubbish taken over but also the non-native goldfish had bred to such an extent that the native wildlife that should be thriving there were not. Thus there has been major clearance involving two skips, partial drainage - which will naturally refill - and some enhancement of the fringes. More planting will take place in the Spring after which it is hoped the area will be very much improved.

Church Lane Parking
In an effort to do what we can to help visitors/shoppers to Headcorn centre to park their cars HPC has examined options to manage parking in Church Lane. Parking here has sometimes been monopolised by long term parking which has prevented the spaces from being used by visitors. HPC will thus be introducing a parking scheme whereby the following will apply:
The first hour of parking will be free.
Between 1-2 hours will be charged at £2, 2-3 hours at £4 and 3-4 hours at £6.
You can pay for parking using an app, or by phoning the number advertised.
Any blue badge spaces will have the same charges apply.
It will be enforced by a private organisation which will be overseen by HPC.
There will be a scheme for residents to apply for exemptions.

Headcorn Half Marathon
Each year ‘Running & Riding’ stages a popular half marathon in Headcorn. This year’s will be on Sunday 16th February. In past years there has been some damage to a rather soggy Days Green caused by the assembled crowds and runners which HPC had to remediate. So this year we have politely asked the organisers to avoid the area directly. So please do enjoy the race but be aware that the Green struggles to cope with heavy foot traffic at this time of year.

Parish Council Precept Increase
As you will know, a proportion of your Council Tax is allocated to the Parish Council’s charges and this is known as the precept. Each year this tends to increase largely in line with inflation or as a reflection of increased costs (such as employing our own Community Liaison Officer). It is MBC who guide precepts through the Council Tax Base and this year that Base will reduce, which means the HPC allocation will also reduce. However, HPC’s costs haven’t so there will be a slightly larger increase to the precept for HPC amounting to an extra 0.83p per month.If you have any questions regarding the precept please contact the Parish Office.