Take a closer look at some of the news stories from the Parish Council this September
To contact the Parish Council please email clerk@headcornpc.org.uk
Parish Council News
New Councillor
Please give a warm welcome to Paul Newman who has now joined the Parish Council. You may know Paul in his role as owner of Tap17 MicroBar. As being a Councillor is a voluntary post we're always grateful to members of the community who give up their time to support the community in this way.

Highways Improvement Plan
This ongoing project to improve the community's network of roads - in particular to deal with speeding issues - is having a rethink. Rather than warnings to speeding drivers in the form of signs, the Parish Council is now exploring alternative measures which physically slow drivers down.
Meantime, if you are concerned about speeding in Headcorn and would like to do something about it then please get in touch with the Parish Council to find out about Speedwatch.

PWLB Application
The PWLB Loan to purchase the Methodist Church building is all approved and therefore the process of purchase has been handed over to the Heart of Headcorn Project team.

Marshalls Needed!
Are you able to assist with marshalling of the annual Remembrance Day parade and service in Headcorn Village? We need helpers to assist with the road closures and safety issues. If you can help please get in touch with the Parish Clerk.

Traders' Car Park
The traders' car park is located right at the end of the block paved area at the back of Sainsburys/adjacent to the wooded area and burial ground. It is currently a rented space. However, plans are being drawn up to have the area gifted to the Parish Council and properly fitted out with lighting and marked bays. This would be in exchange to relinquish a slightly larger area for housing development in that location, similar to Tallow Court.

Initiatives to Tackle Climate Change
Following a meeting with a number of nearby Parish Councils there was agreement to seek out any initiatives to ensure we are doing our bit to reduce our carbon footprint in the community. Whether that is to increase recycling, taking fewer car journeys or planting trees, the Parish Council will be taking a look.

All Kitted Out!
The team of Clerks and Lengthsmen at the Parish Council have newly acquired uniforms along with a branded truck. This is to help them stand out when they are out and about. Feel free to speak to any of them if you see them around the Village.

All Spruced Up
Our team of lengthsmen have been busy this month on some cleaning projects. Firstly the Lychgate was the biggest task and this is now complete after eight days' work. Also Moat Road, Summer Hill, Ulcombe Road and Lenham Road were litter picked again. Spires Ash pond was cleared of litter which was tricky due to the size of the pond. Finally the planter outside the White Horse was sanded and prepared for some winter planting.