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Take a closer look at some of the news stories from the Parish Council this October

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Parish Council News

Police Surgery in Headcorn

This month our local PCSO John Boyd will be holding a surgery at Kingsbury Coffee Shop with a member of Kent Police, to find out about the local community's concerns. Please come along if you want to talk to the Police about any issues affecting you or any other members of our Village. The surgery will be between 11am and 12pm (midday) on Friday 7th October. 
If you are unable to make this time then you are welcome to email the Clerk with any question/issue for him to convey to them on your behalf.

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Youth Services

The Parish Council regularly receives enquiries about any new youth services that could be introduced in the Village, such as a Youth Club or activity group for teenagers.  To that end we have been offered some support by MBC but now need a couple of volunteers to help develop a plan with some fresh ideas.  Ideally this would be people who are familiar with the needs of young people and perhaps have some experience of organising activities and applying for funding.  Please get in touch if you'd like to help get this going.

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Police Speeding Data

Kent Police visit Headcorn regularly to conduct speeding vehicle patrols and in September they attended Mill Bank in where in one shift 12 drivers were reported for driving in excess of the 30mph speed limit.  Each was travelling between 40mph and 55mph.
The patrol will be visiting again in October, November and December.

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Remembrance Day

Sadly after our appeal for volunteer marshalls to assist on Remembrance Day we received no new offers of help.  In future years without new marshalls it may be more difficult to stage the event in its current format. 
To ensure that we can continue to safely comply with all of the regulations on health and safety please do get in touch if you can help this year or in future years.


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PA System

At last year's Remembrance Day there were some in the large crowd who were unable to clearly hear the proceedings.  If anyone has any kind of PA system that might help the whole community hear more clearly then please get in touch with the Parish Clerk.  Thank you!


Pollution in Headcorn

NO2 levels are monitored in three locations in Headcorn, at North Street, in Kings Road and at Sainsburys.  Figures in for 2021 suggest the levels are low.  The data will continue to be monitored to ensure any change can be managed.

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