Take a closer look at some of the news stories from the Parish Council this October
To contact the Parish Council please email clerk@headcornpc.org.uk
Parish Council News
Highway Improvements
We’re pleased to report that the potholes in Church Lane are due to be filled later this month. Also the roadway along Dawkes Meadow (adjacent to the George & Dragon) will soon be resurfaced.
This project will be funded by CIL revenue, with some support from KCC. After this one-off investment any future maintenance and repairs will be the collective responsibility of the owners of this access road/area.

Hoggs Bridge Green
Inspired by the opportunity offered by MBC's 'Love Where You Live Scheme' Sally Musker (Headcorn's volunteer for community green initiatives) applied for a grant to develop the far end of Hogg's Bridge Green, alongside a plan to support the Sensory Garden being created at Headcorn Surgery.
Encouraged by Martin Round, Sally proposed a plan to create a mini orchard in the lightest and driest part of the area - which is currently covered in brambles. Sally managed to get the full grant of £5000, and half of this has already been donated to the Surgery Sensory Garden.
The idea is to create a garden with fruit that everyone may pick and enjoy.
She has developed a planting scheme that will also include Black Poplar, Balsam Poplar, wild roses and honeysuckle. Importantly, poplars are flood tolerant. The overall idea is to maintain wildlife benefit, leaving some of what is providing habitat, including brambles which has the added advantage of blackberries for all to enjoy. The fruit trees will include apples that are traditional to the area, pears and plums, depending on space and costs.
Sally is hoping that the Community Payback Team might be able to help with clearance of the area - as you can see, that is a big job!

Drainage Matters
The existing drainage at some of the community’s green spaces is in need of upgrading. Hoggs Bridge is in particular need of attention and replacing the old drains across the Green should allow water to drain away faster. In due course the same upgrades will be undertaken at Parsonage Meadow.

A new Resource at Parsonage Meadow
The Parish Council is delighted that the community now has two excellent indoor community spaces to bring everyone together - the Village Hall and Old Methodist Church building. There is already huge demand on these spaces from the many clubs and societies in the Village. This has prompted us to consider whether we can enhance Parsonage Meadow to improve its utility as an outdoor space for the community. One idea that has been proposed is to build a large gazebo/shelter at one end which could be used for performances and events. What do you think? We’d like to know what your initial thoughts might be so why not take the survey here: