Take a closer look at some of the news stories from the Parish Council this May
To contact the Parish Council please email clerk@headcornpc.org.uk
Parish Council News
What's the answer?
At this year's Annual Parish Meeting held in April there were some important questions asked by a number of parishioners. We felt it would be useful to go through these here so that anyone who shared the concerns expressed could learn what our response was.
Below you will see four issues that were raised.

Parishioners are concerned about persistent speeding vehicles in the Village, particularly along Millbank and Lenham Road and ask what is being done and what else can be done . In answer, for speeding on main roads Kent Police have, until recently, been enforcing speed in one area which has been paid for by HPC. Changes at Kent Police mean that responsibility for this will change to a new 'Beat Officer' from June. Headcorn's community is simultaneously expected to do what it can to assist - specifically conducting Speedwatch sessions. This can only be done with community volunteers and despite regular appeals few come forward. Please volunteer if you can.
For smaller roads Headcorn Parish Council has pursued a 'Highways Improvement Plan' with KCC, which is their accepted method to discuss improvements. HPC has proposed physical traffic calming. So far KCC has refused any proposals, citing budget constraints and predictions of local objections.

School Drop Off & Parking
HPC was asked what can be done to alleviate traffic problems with School Drop off along Kings Road, and general lack of parking in the Village. Dropping children at school presents real issues including congestion and dangerous parking. This will certainly be compounded by further expansion of the school this year.
As no provision for this was made by Maidstone Borough Council/KCC when planning the school expansion our community is faced with a real problem which impacts everyone. Both councils continue to ignore the community's voice on this matter and providing CIL funds cannot solve the problem if there is no space made available to accommodate a solution.
HPC is planning to offer drop off parking at Parsonage Meadow when conditions allow but without MBC/KCC changing their policy and making adequate provision for areas of parking when making planning decisions there is little more that HPC can do.

Parishioners asked about the pavement constraints along Millbank caused by overhanging hedges. Laura Bullen from MBC reported that the Community Payback team had been used to cut the hedges back on behalf of the owner. Though this was helpful it transpires that the pavement itself in this area is of limited width and as a consequence there remain constraints on its use. HPC will now be taking up the matter with KCC.

Wheeler Street Crossing
HPC has taken up issues with the Wheeler Street crossing with KCC. Originally HPC requested alternative locations for it but its current location was specified by KCC as the only option that would conform with safety regulations. Since its installation there have been regular complaints - about its visibility, lack of signage and height of the beacons. HPC has asked KCC for the issues to be addressed, but this was refused. KCC stated that the design is identical to others and therefore that nothing needs to change.

Coronation Event, 7th May
HPC is pleased to announce that we have secured funding from the National Lottery along with additional funds from Southern Water to ensure that this event will be fully financed. We have bands, musicians, food trucks and heaps of enthusiasm to make this a big community celebration! So please come along to Day's Green from midday on 7th May to join the party! You're very welcome to bring your own picnic but don't forget a chair if you need one.

Repurposed Planters
Our Lengthsmen have repurposed last year's High Street Planters and located them along the boundary of Parsonage Meadow. They will soon be planted with spring flowers and we hope they will cheer up the area right through the summer months.

Consultation Matters
The Parish Council is participating in Maidstone Borough Council's consultation on Environmental Assessments and outcome Reports. Essentially MBC is proposing changes to planning matters and these are likely to affect Headcorn. HPC will therefore be commenting and participating on Parishioners' behalf.

Come and see us at the May Fair!
We're looking forward to the excitement of the May Fair again this year. We'll be hosting a treasure hunt, guess the sweets in the jar and offering some themed cup cakes. Please do call by to meet us!

The Meadows Enquiry
The Meadows Enquiry has concluded with the result that the site will be reduced to the original inhabitants and the subdivided plots bought back to their original sizes. It is hoped that this case will help MBC keep sites smaller, more in keeping with the landscape and increase the health and happiness of both the residents and their neighbours going forward.

Headcorn In Bloom
Don't forget the Headcorn in Bloom competition, whether your entry is an entire garden or a humble hanging basket – we’d love to see your entries.
You still have plenty of time to prepare and tend to your entry so why not start now!
The closing date is Friday 7th July.