Take a closer look at some of the news stories from the Parish Council this March
To contact the Parish Council please email clerk@headcornpc.org.uk
Parish Council News
Highways Improvements
As previously reported, the Parish Council is in negotiations with KCC for a range of improvements to the highways in and around the Village to manage speeding and hazardous parking. We have now started one stage which is to consider parking restrictions in Gibbs Hill, Sharps Field and Downs Close. Residents in those areas will soon receive details.
Neighbourhood Plan
MBC is currently evaluating any potential environmental impacts and the Parish Council should hear back by April.
Once their conclusions are received the Plan should progress to consultation with the community.
Getting Together
The Parish Council regularly seeks opportunities to get together with neighbouring parishes and another meeting is scheduled for April where common issues can be discussed. Meanwhile we also took the opportunity to join Maidstone Mayor's Quiz Night last month. The team, made up of Clerks, Councillors and friends scored a respectable 107.5 out of a possible 130.
Day's Green Improvements
Our Parish Council lengthsmen have been busy completing the remaining Day's Green improvements, including new bins and benches and flowers newly planted in the planters. They look great!
Headcorn in Bloom
It's time to dust off those gardening gloves and get thinking green!
With Spring just around the corner (hopefully!) we're excited to announce that we will be holding a gardening competition this year which is open for all Parishioners to enter.
Whether your entry is an entire garden or a humble hanging basket – we’d love to hear from you!
The closing date is Friday 7th July.
Annual Meeting of the Parish
Every year the Parish Council hosts a gathering of the whole community to review the past year. This year the Annual Meeting of the Parish will take place on Wednesday 19th April at 7pm in Longmeadow Hall. Every parishioner is invited! We would particularly like to hear from any clubs and societies that would like to come along and tell us all about their achievements.
Sunday 7th May
Please save the date for a celebratory Coronation Big Lunch at Day's Green on Sunday 7th May. In conjunction with the Parish Church we plan to host musicians and food trucks and invite everyone along to get together. You can bring a picnic and chair and enjoy the afternoon between midday and 4pm.