Take a closer look at some of the news stories from the Parish Council this June
To contact the Parish Council please email clerk@headcornpc.org.uk
Parish Council News
Headcorn In Bloom
Please don't forget to enter our new Headcorn in Bloom competition.
The entry deadline is 7th July.Below you will see four issues that were raised.

Our Celebratory Afternoon!
The Parish Council is delighted that the Coronation Event was such a success. We were blessed with lovely weather and a happy crowd who were all entertained with some excellent live music from a range of performers. Thanks to all involved, including our Parish Church and to Richard Finnegan whose invaluable help with the PA system and organisation enabled the event to be the success it was.
We would love to host regular informal events such as these and if you'd like to see them happen and can help bring them to life then please get in touch with the Clerks.

Roberts Land
In the February issue we reported on the four acres of gifted land from Dr & Mrs Roberts. As an update, we are now nearing completion of the transfer of the Roberts' Land to the community. There remains some work to do in the area of access but once done this will become a much valued open space for all parishioners to enjoy. We are hoping for completion of the land by the end of this month.

Highways Improvements
Headcorn's Highways Improvement Plan continues to be worked on. The Parish Council has updated KCC on its conclusions to the matter of yellow lines in Sharp's Field/Downs Close and awaits its response. Once received HPC will formally respond to KCC's rejection of its previous requests for improvements.

Neighbourhood Plan
Headcorn's Neighbourhood Plan is approaching an important final stage. After MBC concluded that neither a Strategic Environmental Assessment nor an Assessment Screening Report were necessary it moves to the stage of consultation with the parishioners. This will be a further opportunity for everyone to view and comment before moving forward. More details to follow.

Parishes Together
After a recent consultation in Lenham organised by our MP Helen Whateley she proposed more regular meetings with groups of Parish Councils to further the matters in hand. This will allow a collective voice to be heard.

HPC has recently made a £300 donation to the Kent Air Ambulance. Our community has benefited from its service in the past and very much value the difference they make. We need to play some part in supporting their operation.
Rochester City Vintage & Artisan Market
Headcorn Parish Council have confirmed their support to the organisers of Rochester City Vintage & Artisan Market to host an event on Days Green later this year. This is a long-established and popular artisan market and have sought a venue in the Weald. We are happy to host this and hope it brings a valued new attraction to the community.

Memorial Benches
The Parish Council is organising for two memorial benches to commemorate the late Queen Elizabeth and the new King Charles. These should be appearing in the Village in about a month.