Take a closer look at some of the news stories from the Parish Council this July
To contact the Parish Council please email clerk@headcornpc.org.uk
Parish Council News
Community Liaison Officer's Update
Headcorn’s Community Liaison Officer Stuart Ellesmere has again had a busy month though now feels he is well settled into the new role and hopes that parishioners are familiar with what he is able to help with. Although he is based at the Parish Office much of his time is spent out and about, where he takes the opportunity to stop and chat to those he meets. Last month’s Scam Talk from KCC’s Trading Standards was well attended. Stuart was instrumental in organising this to help everyone become familiar with the latest attempts to deceive and steal. If you missed it, there are plans to host another. Please let family members know when we advertise it.
Stuart has helped to distribute CrimeStoppers leaflets to every household - please don’t throw this away as it explains how you can report crime anonymously should you wish to.
Finally, there will be another Community Surgery on 11th July at Costa, so please come along to discuss any issues you have.

It's FREE!
Headcorn Parish Council has been monitoring the recent launch of Finding Your Feet from Headcorn Judo Club. We do feel this is valuable teaching for all and have therefore decided to sponsor four forthcoming sessions (9th July, 16th July, 30th July and 6th August) making them completely free for participants. So if you or someone you know would like to learn more about learning how to fall safely then please register to ensure your place. You can do that using the link below (or call 07958 668652)

D-Day 80th Anniversary Event - 6th June
The Parish Council is delighted at the warm appreciation for the D-Day Anniversary event held on 6th June. The team worked hard to organise an enjoyable and respectful commemoration of this important event. We would particularly like to thank Richard Finnigan whose invaluable expertise as a sound and music engineer ensured the event went without a technical hitch.
We’re delighted at the generosity of the audience too, who donated almost £200 for the Headcorn Branch of the Royal British Legion.

Tree Works & Maintenance Issues
Following a tree inspection, the Parish Council are extremely disappointed to learn that two trees in the village are dangerous to such an extent that they will have to be felled. One is at the allotments and the other at Day’s Green. The latter has suffered with boring beetles and rot, resulting in it’s core being compromised. The work will take place after the end of nesting season (around the end of August/early September). We will be planting replacement trees.
Separate works are also scheduled to take place adjacent to the Burial Ground with the ditch cleared and new fencing. There will also be ditch clearance at Hoggs Bridge Green along with drainage and a new apron area at the entrance.

Headcorn In Bloom
The deadline for entries in this year’s Headcorn in Bloom competition is fast approaching! Please email the assistant clerk if you would like to enter.

Welcome to new members of the team!
The Parish Council are very pleased to welcome George Burr as Parish Councillor. We are grateful to George for taking up this voluntary position, which means that the Parish Council now has all councillor posts filled.
HPC would also like to announce that the Lengthsmen team (Jason & Richard) have a new recruit. Please welcome new Lengthswoman Maxine Smith.

Safer Play
The Parish Council will be investigating whether there is any land available to provide a youth’s cycle track in the village following a recent request.

No Excuses!
The Parish Council will be installing three poo bag dispensers at Hoggs Bridge, Day’s Green and Parsonage Meadow.