Take a closer look at some of the news stories from the Parish Council this December
To contact the Parish Council please email clerk@headcornpc.org.uk
Parish Council News
Moat Road Planning Application
The planning application for the 120-home development off Moat Road has been officially refused by HPC, citing issues including flooding, highways and access. Frustratingly any matters concerning infrastructure are not deemed to be related to planning, according to planning law, so unfortunately those concerns do not carry weight here.
The consultation on this application is now closed and the matter is now to be considered by MBC planning Officers. Should they be minded to approve then HPC will request that the matter goes to the MBC Planning Committee when HPC will have another opportunity to state our case.
Unfortunately it is worth bearing in mind that this application is “outlined”, therefore the finished development might bear little resemblance to the pictures supplied by Catesby what might eventually be build, such is the nature of planning applications for developments at this stage.

Hoggs Bridge Green
Work has now started on the clearance of the far section of open space at Hoggs Bridge Green. A Community Payback Team have spent time at the site, clearing a large amount of brambles. As reported in the October newsletter Sally Musker is managing a project to better use the space with planting of native trees and fruit trees for the benefit of both the community and the wildlife.

Gibbs Hill, Downs Close & Sharp's Field Parking
Despite all our efforts KCC has not yet visited the Village to witness the problems with parked cars in this location. They propose only a partial area is given a single yellow line. The Parish Council has unanimously agreed that they should visit the location themselves and experience the driving hazards before any such conclusion is reached.

A new Nursery Coming?
There is a planning application in for an extension to the former Natural Health Centre (Franks Bridge Cottages). The application suggests that this site aspires to become a new childcare facility. What do you think? Email the Clerk to let them know.

Not just a Safety Issue - but also illegal
Not just a safety issue - but also illegal
We have noticed a few E-Scooters around the Village and would like to take the opportunity to let everyone know that, apart from the dangers to both the driver and others, they are illegal to use in public.
If the Police see you they will be seized and destroyed, you will be issued with a £300 fine and 6 points on your car licence.
This will mean that older children who later wish to learn to drive will start out with the 6 points when they apply for provisional licenses and their insurance will be substantially higher.

Artisan Market 2024
The Parish Council has been advised that the Artisan Market on Day’s Green will change next year
and will be reduced to three events, each of which will be run over two consecutive days -
Saturday and Sunday.

Parish Council Office Closing
The Parish Council office will be closed for the festive period - closing after usual opening at 2pm on Friday 22nd December and reopening on Wednesday 3rd January. You can contact the Clerks’ office if you have a Parish-related emergency on 07956 440713, or by message on Facebook or by email to the Assistant Clerk.